Christine Lewis

offering health coaching, massage, and yoga in the Mt. Washington Valley

Christine’s health journey started at a young age after realizing the adverse reaction her body had to certain foods. The "seed was planted" when she realized her body did not like hot dogs. She quickly became interested in nutrition (watching for high-fructose corn syrup), taking toxins out of her life (reducing plastics), and then attended college thinking she wanted to be a counselor of sorts - but it never seemed the right path. 

After college Christine became a massage therapist, realizing there was a whole body health element to health and wellness.  She then became a yoga teacher, gaining knowledge and knowing there was more than just a physical component to it. Christine didn't realize how important staying active and taking care of herself was until having undiagnosed depression, and other areas of her life suffered because of it. She noticed how important staying active and taking care of herself was far too important to leave on the back burner. Self-doubting and negative self-talk got in the way of pursuing some of her goals - until they didn't - though self-doubt is still something she is very familiar with. Shortly after, Christine pursued health coaching, coming full circle to “being a counselor of sorts”.  Her health coaching incorporates all the pillars of health and wellness. Looking back, Christine knows she was taking small steps toward her bigger goals. This is what motivates her; she wants to help people feel better about themselves and realize they are worth working towards their goals to live a healthier and happier lifestyle.

Christine is here to hold space for people to build their confidence, knowledge, and skills to reach their goals.